31 March 2023

Webinar: The State of Digital Learning: Doing More with Less in L&D 

Just as the post-pandemic landscape was starting to settle, new challenges are coming. With a tough economic back-drop and renewed focus from businesses on spending and impact, now is the time for L&D to shine. But how can L&D do more, with less?Our panel of L&D experts from Learn Amp, Storytagger and Elucidat, hosted by Learning and Performance Consultant Teresa Rose, dig into the findings from Elucidat's 2023 State of Digital Learning report and share their views on what strategies teams can use to overcome the challenges and adapt to the digital learning landscape.


  • What the report highlights as challenges facing L&D teams
  • New trends and ways of working in digital learning
  • How L&D teams can stay ahead, and what doing more with less means in 2023
  • What L&D can put into action




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